How can I assign an existing user to my group?
I have added a new user to my group, but then noticed that his name was misspelled. Since I was not able to change the name anymore, I deleted the user from my group. I was then unable to re-enter the user again, since the email was still registered in the system. I have now two questions:
- How can I change the name of an existing user (the last name should be capitalized)?
- How can I assign an existing user to my group?
Question ID: 4933258 Status:
Open Apr 17, 2024 - 03:36 PM
User management
Apr 19, 2024 - 05:43 PM
You must have administrator rights for your group. Go to "Browse" tab and "Groups".
In the list of groups, select the group and click on the Edit icon.
A window will open where you can add a member to your team if he/she's already registered in openiris. Just search using his/her email address and click "Add".
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